Tuesday, October 31, 2017

YouTube, Food, and Followers

This week we are talking about YouTube (on Tuesday) and blogging and its performative aspects, especially when it comes to food production and social roles (on Thursday). Interesting concepts, no? So you have two options for the blog this week.

Option 1: When we talked about YouTube on Tuesday, you were given the assignment to make a viral video. Reflect on the nature of viral videos. What is it that makes them go viral? Can you set out to make a viral video?
Courtesy of Wikimedia

Detail the process your group used in creating the video for class. Link your video to your blog post. What were some of the challenges you faced as you began to think about and shoot your video? Noting that you had no control over the topics for the videos or the timeline you were given, if you had this assignment to do over again, would you change anything about your approach? What did this activity teach you about completing tasks in a fixed amount of time?

Finally, how did you go about trying to leverage support for your video in terms of winning the contest? What strategies did you use to get people to like and RT to up your chances of winning the contest? Refer back to Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick - did their tips work for you? Why or why not? What did this activity teach you about the challenges of marketing ideas and projects?
Option 2: Both Salvio and Seddon (read for Thursday's class) refer to food blogs and performance.

I made dis. No photo credit necessary.

What do you think about blogging and its strengths and weaknesses, based off of the readings we've done this week (specifically focusing on Salvio and Seddon)? In general, what types of performances do we do in social media spaces? Your topics can relate to performing and food, but can also be more general. How do you perform in your social media spaces? (Think back to when we read Goffman... yep, here he is again.)

Remember to break up your text by including appropriate images for either of the options you choose to write about for this week's post. Blogs are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, November 3.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sports on Social Media and Health Apps

This week you have one of two options to choose from for your blog post.

Photo courtesy: Sports Networker

Option 1:
Choose a sport team (college, semi-pro, professional) and search for their social media holdings. Include some screen shots of their profiles and analyze the types of content they produce to increase fan engagement and experience.


Option 2:
Offer a profile on some type of health or activity app (especially if you yourself use the application). What does the app do well? What aspects would you improve if you had the ability to? How do you use the app (if applicable)? Finally, what strides toward community building does the app make?

Blog posts are due Sunday, October 29 by 5PM.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Choose your own adventure!

This week, what you post is up to you! (You still have to post something...)

You can talk about something that interests you, current events, sports, movies... the possibilities are endless! Make sure your post has a point, but other than that - it's totally up to you what you blog about this week.

Have fun; post something interesting. Be you and be authentic. Posts are due Friday, October 20 by 5pm.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Midterm Check up!

It's that time of semester... the time that everyone sort of, kind of dreads....


So in that spirit, this week's blog post will be more of a reflection of the semester so far. Easy peasy, right?

To that end... tell me what you've learned so far this semester in COMM 373.
  • What's been the most interesting concept?
  • What's been the most boring concept? Is there anything you could care less about? Be honest.
  • How do you think you'll be able to apply what you've been learning so far to the real world? 

Address each of those questions in a separate paragraph with supporting details. Include at least one image to spice things up. Explain why you've chosen this image and how it relates to your entry.

NOTE: Make sure to proofread your posts for grammar and spelling. Points are being deducted for poor grammar, spelling, and typos!