Monday, February 19, 2018

Midterm Week

It's that time of semester... the time that everyone sort of, kind of dreads....

MIDTERMS. (actually we're only 1/3 of the way through the semester...)
THE WEEK BEFORE SPRING BREAK. (but how did it get here so quickly?)

So in that spirit, this week's blog post has no real focus from class (per se) but should potentially be a reflection of the semester so far. Easy peasy, right?

Things to consider as you think about your post this week...
  • What's been the most interesting concept?
  • What's been the most boring concept? Is there anything you could care less about? Be honest.
  • How do you think you'll be able to apply what you've been learning so far to the real world? 

Remember, regardless of what you write, break up your writing into paragraphs. Include at least one image to spice things up. Explain why you've chosen this image and how it relates to your entry.

NOTE: Make sure to proofread your posts for grammar and spelling. Points are being deducted for poor grammar, spelling, and typos!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Managing Impressions Online

This week's classes are focusing on Impression Management.

Impression management is literally about putting our best face out there for audiences to see as they encounter us in social media spaces. We will talk about truth, performance of self, and how it relates to impression management.

Some questions to ponder as you think about your blogs and your themes as they relate to this week's topic:

  • How many selves do you feel like you project on your social media profiles? 
  • What is/where is truth and why do we choose certain features to promote in online settings?  
  • What do you think some of the ethical considerations should be as we decide which face to present to people online? 
  • What do you think are some of the pitfalls/dark sides to impression management? 

Even if your blog is geared to something very specific, impression management still matters. Why is understanding impression management in this digital age so important?

Courtesy of Mastering the Dynamics of Communication Technology Blog

Include at least one photo in your post! Posts are due by Friday at 5PM.