Monday, January 21, 2019

Your First Post - Spring 2019

This week, your post will be a basic introduction to who you are and what your blog will be about - it's your first post, so you can really carve out your niche in this space. You have to start somewhere, and what better way than to start off with an introductory post!

Photo Courtesy of Michael Lee Stallard: Helping Leaders Create Cultures that Connect
While you will have some freedom to write about what you want from week to week this semester, remember that you should make an effort to connect what you're writing about to what we talk about in class too. If you need help or inspiration some weeks, feel free to chat with me!

So - introduce yourself. Who are you? That's a loaded question. Unpack it (using as much self-disclosure as you deem fit for an online space). Example things to potentially include: Name and where you are in life right now, what you want to do in life, etc. As you went through the process of creating your blog, you made specific decisions in terms of the theme, background, the images, font, and other things that you selected over something else. Was there a reason for that?

Next - what makes you tick? What interests you? This can potentially be the direction of your blog. It doesn't have to be just one thing either. This is your space. Personalize it. Make it your own. Give your reader an idea of what you're planning to write about. If you want to add a picture, feel free but it's not necessary to -- at least not right now.

Your blog post should be a few (short) paragraphs, roughly about a half page single spaced if you were to type it into a Word doc. Posts should be up by 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 25.

Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Welcome to Social Media - Spring 2019

Happy Spring Semester, COMM 373! Hope you all had a fantastic Winter Break! Welcome back to the snowy Mount!

Emmit is excited you're back!

Are you ready for a great semester in COMM 373? I hope you are, because this class is going to be awesome. Check our trusty blog here for all of your updates and needs. If you have any questions, I'm available via email and Twitter (@MCK_PhD).

Let's get to it!