Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Remote Learning and Graphic Design

Wow... we're really seeing the power of new media at work right now, having had our first remote learning session via Zoom on Monday. Save for the power outage and maybe a little boring content from yours truly, I think it went okay!

This week, your blog post can be about anything you want... the only catch is, you should include a graphic that you've made using Canva or another design platform you have at your disposal. Please don't spend any money to do this! BUT be mindful of what the free options are on Canva. Don't download anything with a watermark because that just looks weird.

Visit Canva to try your hand at basic graphic design!

You might also want to provide brief rationale for why your graphic goes with your post. Maybe it's a logo for your blog. Maybe you designed something specific to go along with whatever you're inspired to talk about this week. Maybe you have big ideas to use Canva professionally in the future and are just getting some practice now. Whatever it is... offer a slight explanation!

Blog posts are due by 5:00 p.m. on Fridays.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Catching up and moving on...

Wow! What a week it's been! I miss you guys. Hope you're all safe at home or wherever you went leaving campus. As always, reach out to me if you experience any trouble during this time we are not meeting face-to-face.

Remember you had a blog post due on Friday that was extended to 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, March 18. The prompt for that post can be found here. It should have been an opportunity for you to do a Midterm Review.

When even is midterm week anymore?
Your post this week can be anything COVID-19 related you want. Where did you end up? If you write it by the time you have a couple class sessions, how'd they go? In what ways are you experiencing new media through this crisis pandemic?

Just kidding... I hope everything works for us!

These posts should be posted no later than 11:59 p.m. this Friday, March 20. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Midterm Check-in!

It's that time of semester... the time that everyone sort of, kind of dreads....


So in that spirit, this week's blog post will be more of a reflection of the semester so far. Easy peasy, right? Hopefully it will also get you ready for the Midterm, which will be next Monday, March 16.

To that end... tell me what you've learned so far this semester in COMM 373.
  • What's been the most interesting concept?
  • What's been the most boring concept? Is there anything you could care less about? Be honest.
  • How do you think you'll be able to apply what you've been learning so far to the real world? 

Address each of those questions in a separate paragraph with supporting details. Include at least one image to spice things up. Explain why you've chosen this image and how it relates to your entry.

NOTE: Make sure to proofread your posts for grammar and spelling. Points are being deducted for poor grammar, spelling, and typos!