Thursday, April 28, 2022

SPARC Festival

Since the Mount cancels classes on Thursday of SPARC week so students can attend presentations and support their peers, this week your blog post is going to be SPARC-related.

There are several presentations that are Communication-related, and those are listed below along with their times, locations, and whether or not there is a virtual option. 

9:00 a.m. - Honors Presentation on Podcasting, Laughlin Auditorium (no virtual option)
9:30 a.m. - Honors Presentation on Instagram, Laughlin Auditorium (no virtual option)
10:00-11:30 a.m. - Panel Presentation on Gender & Stereotypes, AC 220 (no virtual option)
12:30 p.m. - Lighted Corners magazine release, Library Main Floor (no virtual option)
12:30-2:00 p.m. - Poster Session - Find Cara Davis's poster on Instagram, GatherTown - Access online here
2:30-4:00 p.m. - Panel Presentation on Gender & Media Industries, AC 220 (no virtual option)
6:20 p.m. - Lightning Talk (Rhetorical Analysis), Library Main Floor - Access online here
6:40 p.m. - Lightning Talk (Media Criticism), Library Main Floor - Access online here

For more information and to access a full schedule, visit the SPARC page on the Mount's website. Here are a couple of options for how to handle this week's post:

  • Attend a presentation. (It would be even better if this presentation was about social media.) Provide the name, title of the presentation, subject area, and a summary of what you learned.
  • Go to the Lighted Corners release and look at the publication, stories, and photos. Find their social media presence (they do have one), and evaluate it. (You do not necessarily need to go to this presentation to do this one.)
  • Check into how SPARC has been marketed to you. Is there a social media presence? Is it good? Could it be better?
If you were a SPARC participant, you can also talk about the process you went through to submit your work, prepare yourself, and present.

Blog posts are due by end of day Friday. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Branding and Content Creation

Now that we've had several weeks of learning about content and branding, this week I'd like you to think about your blog presence for our class. 

Image Courtesy of Oktopost

Given our new material on content creation and the intro to Canva we had last week, try your hand at creating a logo for your blog that is consistent with the content you've been sharing this semester. Think about your theme, color scheme, and your overall presence. Share your logo and describe the creative process you underwent in creating it for this week's blog post. 

Happy creating! As always, blogs are due on Fridays.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Writing, Content...Adventure Time!

Recently, our discussions in class have been about Strategic Writing for Social Media, Audience Segmentation, and later this week, Content, so it seems appropriate to make this week's post another choose your own adventure so that you can flex your creative muscles and try your hand at written content creation all on your own! Plus, I really enjoyed what you came up with for your last adventure and want you to feel empowered to talk about the things that matter to you.

Meme courtesy of 55 Totally Awesome Travel Memes

So, your post can be about anything this week but make sure that you relate what you write about to the theme you've established and that whatever you write is appropriate, of course.

So have fun! Be interesting, authentic, and you. Make sure to include a photo, gif, or some visual element with your post. Posts are due by end of day on Friday.