Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Last Post

Our time in COMM 373 is coming to an end. It's the last week of class, and most of us are super ready for winter break.

Courtesy of Memes Happen
Your last blog post, then, should be a review of the course. In the spirit of David Letterman's famous Top 10 lists, tell me ten things that you learned or liked about this course.
Via Hockey Jersey Concepts
Be thoughtful; be creative. Include pictures where appropriate, and have fun with it!

After you do your top 10 list, ponder these questions briefly as well: Was there anything you did not like about class? Was there something you were hoping to learn about that we didn't quite get to? Be constructive in your feedback - you have the ability to help make this course stronger for future students!

Posts are due by 5PM on Friday, December 8.

That said, I encourage you to keep blogging either here or somewhere else. Delve further into social media... different apps, different platforms... find what works for you! Make yourself marketable as you get ready for Spring semester. For many of you, graduation is on the horizon. For others, you're pursuing internships. Be thoughtful of your online presence as you begin/continue on your career paths!

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