Monday, January 29, 2018

Carving Out Your Niche + Optimization and more!

By now, all of you should be linked to the course blog roll (which you'll find to the right of your screen if you're on a computer) AND you've posted at least once.

Now what?

Well... each week, you'll post at least once, trying to capture the essence of the theme you started out with last week. Most weeks you should try to relate your post back to something we're talking about in class. So far we've talked about Social Media Optimization and by the end of this week, we'll talk about Disinhibition.

One of the things you should consider is giving your blog its own identity. This will take some time to develop; but much like your own identity, your blogs can take on a specific theme and your posts can fit into that theme. Maybe you want to be inspirational. Maybe you want to think about faith. Maybe you want to think about travel. Or food!

Even this dog keeps a blog... so if Stan can do it, so can you!
Whatever it is, think about what kind of theme you may want to stick to, and try to tailor your posts as much as possible to that and our topics as the semester goes on. This way, you'll have the beginnings of your own space in the blogosphere. Who knows where it can take you!

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