Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Disinhibition, Optimization, and Constructs - Oh my!

This week we discussed some of the "harder" concepts so far in this class, especially in VanDijck Chapter 2. We've begun thinking more about how we present ourselves in spaces online both personally and professionally, and we've begun to understand some of the economic impacts of some of our favorite platforms "going public."

You may have some thoughts based on our two days of class discussion this week or based on your logs for the New Media project. If so, tell me what you think about that. But if you're struggling with what to blog about this week since our content is a bit more abstract, here are some ideas:

We've focused a good bit on representing yourself professionally in an online space. What would you call your top 10 tips for presenting a professional image online, especially as college students? (Think Letterman's top 10 style!) Include at least one photo along with your Top 10 List.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

Sometimes we say and do things online that we would never say or do "in real life." Reflect on a time that you noticed the online disinhibition effect totally happening in one of your online encounters. Do you feel like it was toxic, benign, or a mixture of both? If you had to do it over again, what would you do?

This is Stan from the Old Disney show, Dog with a Blog. Because, you know, online no one knows that you're a dog. Unless you tell them and have your own blog called Dog with a Blog.

As always, blogs are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday!

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