Monday, April 27, 2020

Choose Your Own Adventure

Our time in COMM 373 is coming to a close over the next couple of weeks. Since it was so popular a few weeks back... this week, what you post is up to you! (Yes, you still have to post something...)

Here are some thoughts to guide you if choosing your own adventure isn't your thing:
  • We've covered alot so far this semester, so what have you learned? Do you still have any questions about any of the topics we've covered?
  • How is week 5 million and 1 of social distancing going? 
  • How's your analysis project going? Who was your client and what have you learned about them so far? How are the creative suggestions coming along?
Really you can talk about anything this week; just make sure it relates to your theme and/or something having to do with social media. 

Have fun; post something interesting. Be you and be authentic. Posts are due by end of day Friday. Remember, next week is your last (required) post!

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