Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Surprise! It's another CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE

This week our discussion in class is about strategic writing for social media, so it seems appropriate to make this week's post another choose your own adventure post so that you can flex your creative muscles and try your hand at written content creation. 

Meme courtesy of 55 Totally Awesome Travel Memes

So, your post can be about anything this week but make sure that you relate what you write about to the theme you've established and that whatever you write is appropriate, of course.

So have fun! Be interesting, authentic, and you. Posts are due by end of day on Friday.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Social Media Strategy and the Power of Influencers

This week in class our focus is strategic planning in social media. Our blog post for the week is going to be a little different than what we've done in the past, but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same!

Choose your favorite social media influencer and write a profile/review of their social media space. These can be DIYers, YouTubers, even well-known celebrities. 

Graphic Courtesy of Scepter Digital Marketing

In your profile/review, consider: 

  • What platforms are they using? 
  • Who are their followers? 
  • What is their brand voice? 
  • Do they support any specific products or causes? How do you know?
 If you've been following them for a while, think about these questions too: 

  • How did you find them? 
  • Why do you follow them?

If you do not follow a specific influencer or are having trouble thinking of one to review for this week's post, a simple Google search of the most popular influencers will reveal a variety of results. Cole Sprouse is listed as having one of the most influential presences on social media, alongside Selena Gomez and Cristiano Ronaldo. If you choose to review someone who is also a well-known celebrity or athlete, consider the questions above and how they use their platform and fame to highlight causes that are important to them.

As you conclude your post this week, reflect on the overall impact of influencers in today's world. As always, posts are due on Fridays. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Choose Your Own Adventure - Spring 2021

This semester has gotten pretty busy so this week, what you post is up to you! (Yes, you still have to post something...)

Feel free to post something related to the themes you've already begun. But if choosing your own adventure isn't your thing, here are some thoughts to guide you if you'd like more structure:
  • We've covered alot already this semester, so what have you learned? Do you still have any questions about any of the topics we've covered?
  • How was it keeping your social media log for a week? Did you notice anything in particular emerge from your usage?
Really you can talk about anything this week; just make sure it relates to your theme and is appropriate.. 

Have fun; post something interesting. Be you and be authentic. Posts are due by end of day Friday. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Social Media and Your Future

 At the end of class on Tuesday, someone commented that the content is starting to get "real"... that the reality of finding jobs is upon many of you, or thinking about what your future career is becoming more and more of a reality, even if graduation isn't looming in the not so distant future.

If you don't have ideas for a post for this week that aligns with what we've talked about so far in class, here are some thoughts to inspire you.

What do you want to be when you grow up? That may seem like a silly, even juvenile question to consider give that you're all young adults in college, but it's something I still ponder even in a career line today. So I challenge you to think through it: What do you want to do?

Illustration by Raj Verma. Courtesy of Business Today.

Beyond thinking about your future career, also think about how social media can impact your future line of work. Maybe you won't be pursuing jobs in social media management and maybe you don't aspire to be a director of communication or a content strategist, but it is very likely that social media will have some impact on your career, both positively and negatively. Begin to think through this and explain what you think in this week's post.

Another option is to make it a little less personal to your specific career and think about how social media is being used in the industry you want to go into: For example, if you're interested in food or sports or event planning, how can someone in those industries leverage social media?

As always, posts are due by 5 p.m. on Fridays. Happy Blogging!