Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Last (required) Post

Hello bloggers! Well, our time in COMM 373 is coming to an end. It's the last week of class, and most of us are super ready for a break. For your last (required) blog post, tell me how you feel about blogging after having a whole semester of coming up with content (with some hopefully helpful prompts from me). Consider the following:

  • Why is blogging part of a class in social media? Isn't it ... old?
  • How has this blog contributed to your digital footprint?
  • Will you continue your blog and will you move it to some other platform? Or is it not really your thing?
Posts are due by end of day Friday. I hope you've enjoyed the semester and continue to learn more about what platforms are the best for your professional and personal needs!
I encourage you to keep blogging either here or somewhere else. Make yourself marketable as you get ready for the future. For many of you, graduation is on the horizon. For others, you're pursuing internships. Be thoughtful of your online presence as you begin/continue on your career paths!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Your Second to Last Required Post

In class over the past several weeks, we have talked about how being creative on demand is difficult and creating content for a social media account isn't as easy as it seems. A couple weeks ago, you created a branded image for your blog and explained your creative process. 

Gif courtesy of Giphy

We've also begun talking about how social media is used in different industries. So now, we have a pretty complete picture of what professionals in social media do - it's a little bit of writing, it's a little bit of creativity, and it's also a little bit of math (shocking!) For your blog post this week, give me a little bit of feedback (oh hey, it's an evaluation...)
  • What have your favorite topics been so far? 
  • What's been the most boring topic to cover?
  • How do you think you'll be able to apply what you've been learning so far to the real world?
  • Is there anything you thought you'd learn in class that we haven't covered yet?
I plan to take tips from your posts this week to help tweak the class for future students, so be honest in your responses. And don't forget: Blog posts are due by end of day Friday.

Gif courtesy of GIPHY Studios

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Social Media Analysis Projects

The last assignment of the course is one of my favorites because you can see how all of the things we've talked about all semester come together AND you get to flex some of your creative muscles by making suggestions for a client that you select. You can read all about the Analysis Project on the assignment sheet posted to Canvas. 

For this week's blog post, you're doing the first small part of the Analysis Project, which is to select a local (to you) small business or organization and do a little background research on them. Specifically, the assignment sheet says: 

Choose a small organization or business (non-profits, local/home churches, student organizations, businesses in Emmitsburg/Frederick/Gettysburg with which you have familiarity, or businesses local to you in your hometown). Preview your “client” in your blog post (this will be blog post #10) due on Friday, November 19. Your preview should include basic information about your client and a SWOT Analysis (see handout on Canvas.)

The business can and should be in an area that interests you because you'll probably feel more passionate about completing this last project for an organization or cause that you care about. 

As you begin look into their online presence, complete a SWOT (analyzing their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and provide a little background information about them. 

Image courtesy of Word Stream

This will help you to start thinking more about the analysis paper you have to write and potentially even give you some inspiration for creative suggestions.

Blog posts are due on Fridays. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Branding and Content Creation

Now that we've had several weeks of learning about content and branding, this week I'd like you to think about your blog presence for our class. 

Image Courtesy of Oktopost

Given our new material on content creation and the intro to Canva (class on Thursday), try your hand at creating a logo for your blog that is consistent with the content you've been sharing this semester. Think about your theme, color scheme, and your overall presence. Share your logo and describe the creative process you underwent in creating it for this week's blog post. 

Happy creating! Since I'm not talking about Canva until Thursday, blogs should be posted by end of day Sunday, 11/14 this week. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Power of Influencers

Our blog post for the week is going to be a little different than what we've done in the past, but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same!

Choose your favorite social media influencer and write a profile/review of their social media space. These can be DIYers, YouTubers, even well-known celebrities. 

Graphic Courtesy of Scepter Digital Marketing

In your profile/review, consider: 

  • What platforms are they using? 
  • Who are their followers? 
  • What is their brand voice? 
  • Do they support any specific products or causes? How do you know?
 If you've been following them for a while, think about these questions too: 

  • How did you find them? 
  • Why do you follow them?

If you do not follow a specific influencer or are having trouble thinking of one to review for this week's post, a simple Google search of the most popular influencers will reveal a variety of results. Cole Sprouse is listed as having one of the most influential presences on social media, alongside Selena Gomez and Cristiano Ronaldo. If you choose to review someone who is also a well-known celebrity or athlete, consider the questions above and how they use their platform and fame to highlight causes that are important to them.

As you conclude your post this week, reflect on the overall impact of influencers in today's world. As always, posts are due on Fridays. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Surprise! It's ANOTHER Choose your own Adventure!

This week our discussion in class is about Strategic Writing for Social Media, so it seems appropriate to make this week's post another choose your own adventure post so that you can flex your creative muscles and try your hand at written content creation! Plus, I really enjoyed what you came up with for your last adventure and want you to feel empowered to talk about the things that matter to you.

Meme courtesy of 55 Totally Awesome Travel Memes

So, your post can be about anything this week but make sure that you relate what you write about to the theme you've established and that whatever you write is appropriate, of course.

So have fun! Be interesting, authentic, and you. Posts are due by end of day on Friday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Choose Your Own Adventure - Fall 2021

This semester has gotten pretty busy so this week, what you post is up to you! (Yes, you still have to post something...)

Feel free to post something related to the themes you've already begun. But if choosing your own adventure isn't your thing, here are some thoughts to guide you if you'd like more structure:
  • We've covered alot already this semester, so what have you learned? Do you still have any questions about any of the topics we've covered?
  • How was it keeping your social media log for a week? Did you notice anything in particular emerge from your usage?
Really you can talk about anything this week; just make sure it relates to your theme and is appropriate.

Have fun; post something interesting. Be you and be authentic. Posts are due by end of day Friday. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Past, Present, and Future...

The content of our class is starting to get "real"... the reality of finding jobs is upon many of you, or thinking about what your future career is becoming more and more of a reality, even if graduation isn't looming in the not so distant future.

If you don't have ideas for a post for this week that aligns with what we've talked about so far in class, here are some thoughts to inspire you.

What do you want to be when you grow up? That may seem like a silly, even juvenile question to consider give that you're all young adults in college, but it's something I still ponder even in a career line today. So I challenge you to think through it: What do you want to do?

Illustration by Raj Verma. Courtesy of Business Today.

Beyond thinking about your future career, also think about how social media can impact your future line of work. This takes us to reflecting on the past a little bit too. Maybe you won't be pursuing jobs in social media management and maybe you don't aspire to be a director of communication or a content strategist, but it is very likely that social media will have some impact on your career, both positively and negatively. Begin to think through this and explain what you think in this week's post.

Another option is to make it a little less personal to your specific career and think about how social media is being used in the industry you want to go into: For example, if you're interested in food or sports or event planning, how can someone in those industries leverage social media?

You could also reflect a little on your new media journaling that you've been doing for the past few days. There's a whole paper coming on it after Fall Break, but you could think about it here too.

As always, posts are due on Fridays. Happy Blogging!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Is that on brand?

This week we will focus a good bit on representing ourselves professionally in online spaces which has really been an ongoing theme so far this semester. As always, if you've been inspired by something we talk about in class this week and have a topic in mind to blog about, go for it! However, if you're struggling this week, here are a couple ideas to consider: 

What would you call your top 10 tips for presenting a professional image online, especially as college students? (Think Letterman's top 10 style!) 

Courtesy of Wikipedia

We've talked about personal and professional branding and how important it is to maintain a positive impression online. However, sometimes we say and do things that end up getting us into trouble. In light of this, how important do you think it is to be authentic and true to yourself online? Had you ever considered the importance of a personal brand being about both your online and offline selves? Some would say that your online reputation is your most valued possession. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why is maintaining an online reputation important?

This is Stan from the Old Disney show, Dog with a Blog. Because, you know, online no one knows that you're a dog. Unless you tell them and have your own blog called Dog with a Blog.

Include at least one photo along with your blog post this week. And, as always, blogs are due on Fridays.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

"I always feel like somebody's watching me...."

Have you thought about the information you share online? What does it say about you? Is your secure information protected?

Photo Courtesy of Online Gladiators

Our topics for this week are Ethics and Legal Considerations of Social Media. There are so many ways that hackers, scammers, and phishers can access our information. Is any of it actually private?

One option for blogging this week is for you to tell me what you think about privacy. Are you being proactive about protecting your identity and information online? Explain what you do to keep yourself safe online.

Another option for blogging is related to privacy. Oftentimes, we don't think about how our content might come off before we post it, which can lead to instances where we might be publicly shamed online. It's happening more and more, where social media users highlight what other users say and do as an almost modern day witch-hunt - with the oft tweeted hashtag, "Twitter do your thing." Cancel culture is here for better or for worse. So what do you think about shaming? What about the notion of cancel culture? How are these things related to impression management?

As a part of your response (regardless of which angle you take), come up with a set of guidelines (a list of 3-5 governing ideas/techniques) that you would give a high school senior in terms of online protection (that might also have to do with keeping themselves safe from being the target of public shaming) as they begin thinking about an adult life away from home for the first time.

If these aren't up your alley, you can of course talk about something else (like the deadly sins of social media or when expectations were violated)... just make sure you bring your post back to topics we've discussed this week in some way. Add a photo and make sure your writing is broken up into readable (or snackable, as Freberg likes to say) chunks. 

Blog posts are due by the end of day on Fridays. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Managing Impressions and Thinking about Why We Post What We Post

 You'll note that in class we've begun talking about the many selves we have to maintain in our daily lives, and social media can further exacerbate the need to keep up with multiple identities.

Impression management is all about putting our best face out there for audiences to see as they encounter us in social media spaces or even in real life. We also talked about the performance of self, and how it relates to impression management.

Some questions to ponder as you think about your blogs and your themes as they relate to this week's topic:
  • How many selves do you feel like you project on your social media profiles? 
  • What is/where is truth and why do we choose certain features to promote in online settings?  
  • What do you think some of the ethical considerations should be as we decide which face to present to people online? 
  • What do you think are some of the pitfalls/dark sides to impression management? 
Even if your class blog is geared to something very specific, impression management still matters. Why is understanding impression management in this digital age so important?

Courtesy of Mastering the Dynamics of Communication Technology Blog

Another option for this week's blog post is to reflect on what you've posted on your social media platforms recently. What did you post? Where did you post it? Who did you want to see it? What were you motivations behind posting? Did you get the response you were hoping to get?

Whatever you decide to blog about this week, include at least one photo in your post! Posts are due by end of day Friday. Happy blogging!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Your First Post - Fall 2021

Welcome to COMM 373! Your first post should be a basic introduction to who you are and what your blog will be about. It's your first post, so you can really carve out your place in this space. Remember, while you will have freedom to write about what you want from week to week this semester, you'll also want to make sure you relate weekly posts in the future to something we talk about in class. Much of what we talk about is #relatable -- I mean, we've already talked about the milk crate challenge in class.

Photo Courtesy of Michael Lee Stallard: Helping Leaders Create Cultures that Connect

So this week: Introduce yourself. Who are you? That's a LOADED question. Unpack it (using as much self-disclosure as you deem fit for an online space, of course). Things you might want to include: Your first name, where you are in life right now, what you want to do... things like that.

Now, as you went through the process of creating your blog, you [probably] made some specific decision in terms of the theme, background, images, font, etc. etc. Was there a reason for that? Offer some insight into your decisions. Do you have a theme you want to stick to throughout the semester? If you haven't customized your blog, please do that as a part of this week's blog post assignment. Make this space yours.

Next - what are some of your interests? If you're struggling, this could help with some direction for your blog. Like I said, personalize this space. Make it your own. Give your reader (me, your classmates, anyone else who stumbles upon your blog) an idea of what you plan to do. If you want, feel free to add a photo but it's not necessary to -- at least not right now.

Your blog post should be a few short paragraphs. Notice how in this post, you have small chunks of writing with space between paragraphs. It makes for a more pleasurable reading experience. Remember, you're writing for a specific audience, and I encourage you to share your blogs with others, too. This week your blog post should be written; but in future weeks, we'll entertain the idea of a vlogs if you'd rather do that than write.

Don't forget, posts should be up by end of day Friday. You do not have to send your post link to me - I have the address for your blog's homepage linked to the course blog, so I should be able to find it (I hope!). Happy blogging!

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Last (required) Post

Hello bloggers! Well, our time in COMM 373 is coming to an end. It's the last week of class, and most of us are super ready for summer break, and hopefully some relief from COVID protocols and everything. 

Image courtesy of K12 Online

For your last (required) blog post, I'm going to throw out a few options just to keep things interesting. Respond to one of the following:

  • In the spirit of David Letterman's famous Top 10 lists, tell me ten things that you learned or liked about this course. Be thoughtful; be creative. Include pictures where appropriate, and have fun with it!
  • Now that we've made it through a whole semester, tell me: could you live without social media? Do you think our society could adapt to a life without social media? Based on your social media audit, do you think you could limit or eliminate it entirely? Support with material from class discussions, the text, and/or other readings.
  • Define social media in your own words (based off of our discussions this semester). What are some of the different types of experiences users might have with different platforms? Choose two platforms to discuss and explain what their primary use is.
  • Overall, choose a position and justify your agreement or disagreement with the following statement: Social media generally has a positive impact on society. Your reasons should be based on course discussion.Posts are due by end of day Friday. I hope you've enjoyed the semester and continue to learn more about what platforms are the best for your professional and personal needs!
That said, I encourage you to keep blogging either here or somewhere else. Make yourself marketable as you get ready for the future. For many of you, graduation is on the horizon. For others, you're pursuing internships. Be thoughtful of your online presence as you begin/continue on your career paths!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Your Second to Last (Required) Post

This week is another "Choose Your Own Adventure" post where your post can be about anything as long as you make sure that you relate what you write about to the theme you've been establishing in this space and that whatever you write is appropriate, of course.

Meme courtesy of Cheezburger Memes

Have fun! Be interesting, authentic, and you. Posts are due by end of day on Friday.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Analysis Projects!

I think the last assignment of the course is one of my favorites because you can see how all of the things we've talked about all semester come together AND you get to flex some of your creative muscles by making creative suggestions for a client that you select. You can read all about the Analysis Project on the assignment sheet posted to Canvas, and we'll talk more in depth about it in class on Tuesday. 

For this week's blog post, you're doing the first small part of the Analysis Project, which is to select a local (to you) small business or organization and do a little background research on them. Specifically, the assignment sheet says: 

Choose a small organization or business (non-profits, local/home churches, student organizations, businesses in Emmitsburg/Frederick/Gettysburg with which you have familiarity, or businesses local to you in your hometown). Preview your “client” in your blog post (this will be blog post #11) due on Friday, April 23. Your preview should include basic information about your client and a SWOT Analysis (see handout on Canvas.)

The business can and should be in an area that interests you because you'll probably feel more passionate about completing this last project for an organization or cause that you care about. (Note: I know it's been a long semester. It has been for me, too.) 

As you begin look into their online presence, complete a SWOT (analyzing their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and provide a little background information about them. 

Image courtesy of Word Stream

This will help you to start thinking more about the analysis paper you have to write and potentially even give you some inspiration for creative suggestions.

Blog posts are due on Fridays. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Importance of Social Media Measurement and Evaluation

In class over the past several weeks, we talked about how being creative on demand is difficult and creating content for a social media account isn't as easy as it seems. Last week, you created a branded image for your blog and explained your creative process. 

Gif courtesy of Giphy

This week we are talking about measurement and budgets. So now, we have a pretty complete picture of what professionals in social media do - it's a little bit of writing, it's a little bit of creativity, and it's also a little bit of math (shocking!) For your blog post this week, give me a little bit of feedback (oh hey, it's an evaluation...)
  • What have your favorite topics been so far? 
  • What's been the most boring topic to cover?
  • How do you think you'll be able to apply what you've been learning so far to the real world?
  • Is there anything you thought you'd learn in class that we haven't covered yet?
I plan to take tips from your posts this week to help tweak the class for future students, so be honest in your responses. And don't forget: Blog posts are due by end of day Friday.

Gif courtesy of GIPHY Studios

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Branding Your Blog and Creating Content

Now that we're nearing the end of the semester and have had several weeks of learning content about branding, this week I'd like you to think about your blog presence for our class. Given our new material on content creation and the intro to Canva from class on April 6, try your hand at creating a logo for your blog that is consistent with the content you've been sharing this semester. Think about your theme, color scheme, and your overall presence. Share your logo and describe the creative process you underwent in creating it for this week's blog post. 

Happy creating!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Surprise! It's another CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE

This week our discussion in class is about strategic writing for social media, so it seems appropriate to make this week's post another choose your own adventure post so that you can flex your creative muscles and try your hand at written content creation. 

Meme courtesy of 55 Totally Awesome Travel Memes

So, your post can be about anything this week but make sure that you relate what you write about to the theme you've established and that whatever you write is appropriate, of course.

So have fun! Be interesting, authentic, and you. Posts are due by end of day on Friday.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Social Media Strategy and the Power of Influencers

This week in class our focus is strategic planning in social media. Our blog post for the week is going to be a little different than what we've done in the past, but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same!

Choose your favorite social media influencer and write a profile/review of their social media space. These can be DIYers, YouTubers, even well-known celebrities. 

Graphic Courtesy of Scepter Digital Marketing

In your profile/review, consider: 

  • What platforms are they using? 
  • Who are their followers? 
  • What is their brand voice? 
  • Do they support any specific products or causes? How do you know?
 If you've been following them for a while, think about these questions too: 

  • How did you find them? 
  • Why do you follow them?

If you do not follow a specific influencer or are having trouble thinking of one to review for this week's post, a simple Google search of the most popular influencers will reveal a variety of results. Cole Sprouse is listed as having one of the most influential presences on social media, alongside Selena Gomez and Cristiano Ronaldo. If you choose to review someone who is also a well-known celebrity or athlete, consider the questions above and how they use their platform and fame to highlight causes that are important to them.

As you conclude your post this week, reflect on the overall impact of influencers in today's world. As always, posts are due on Fridays. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Choose Your Own Adventure - Spring 2021

This semester has gotten pretty busy so this week, what you post is up to you! (Yes, you still have to post something...)

Feel free to post something related to the themes you've already begun. But if choosing your own adventure isn't your thing, here are some thoughts to guide you if you'd like more structure:
  • We've covered alot already this semester, so what have you learned? Do you still have any questions about any of the topics we've covered?
  • How was it keeping your social media log for a week? Did you notice anything in particular emerge from your usage?
Really you can talk about anything this week; just make sure it relates to your theme and is appropriate.. 

Have fun; post something interesting. Be you and be authentic. Posts are due by end of day Friday. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Social Media and Your Future

 At the end of class on Tuesday, someone commented that the content is starting to get "real"... that the reality of finding jobs is upon many of you, or thinking about what your future career is becoming more and more of a reality, even if graduation isn't looming in the not so distant future.

If you don't have ideas for a post for this week that aligns with what we've talked about so far in class, here are some thoughts to inspire you.

What do you want to be when you grow up? That may seem like a silly, even juvenile question to consider give that you're all young adults in college, but it's something I still ponder even in a career line today. So I challenge you to think through it: What do you want to do?

Illustration by Raj Verma. Courtesy of Business Today.

Beyond thinking about your future career, also think about how social media can impact your future line of work. Maybe you won't be pursuing jobs in social media management and maybe you don't aspire to be a director of communication or a content strategist, but it is very likely that social media will have some impact on your career, both positively and negatively. Begin to think through this and explain what you think in this week's post.

Another option is to make it a little less personal to your specific career and think about how social media is being used in the industry you want to go into: For example, if you're interested in food or sports or event planning, how can someone in those industries leverage social media?

As always, posts are due by 5 p.m. on Fridays. Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Personal and Professional Branding

We've focused a good bit on representing ourselves professionally in online spaces this week in particular and in these first weeks of class in general. As always, if you've been inspired by something we've talked about this week and have a topic in mind to blog about, go for it! However, if you're struggling this week, here are a couple ideas to consider: 

What would you call your top 10 tips for presenting a professional image online, especially as college students? (Think Letterman's top 10 style!) 

Courtesy of Wikipedia

We've talked about personal and professional branding and how important it is to maintain a positive impression online. However, sometimes we say and do things that end up getting us into trouble. In light of this, how important do you think it is to be authentic and true to yourself online? Had you ever considered the importance of a personal brand being about both your online and offline selves? Some would say that your online reputation is your most valued possession. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why is maintaining an online reputation important?

This is Stan from the Old Disney show, Dog with a Blog. Because, you know, online no one knows that you're a dog. Unless you tell them and have your own blog called Dog with a Blog.

Include at least one photo along with your blog post this week. And, as always, blogs are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

"Twitter do your thing..."

 Have you thought about the information you share online? What does it say about you? Is your secure information protected?

Photo Courtesy of Online Gladiators

Our topics for this week are Ethics and Legal Considerations of Social Media. There are so many ways that hackers, scammers, and phishers can access our information. Is any of it actually private?

One option for blogging this week is for you to tell me what you think about privacy. Are you being proactive about protecting your identity and information online? Explain what you do to keep yourself safe online.

Another option for blogging is related to privacy. Oftentimes, we don't think about how our content might come off before we post it, which can lead to instances where we might be publicly shamed online. It's happening more and more, where social media users highlight what other users say and do as an almost modern day witch-hunt - with the oft tweeted hashtag, "Twitter do your thing." Cancel culture is here for better or for worse. So what do you think about shaming? What about the notion of cancel culture? How are these things related to impression management?

As a part of your response (regardless of which angle you take), come up with a set of guidelines (a list of 3-5 governing ideas/techniques) that you would give a high school senior in terms of online protection (that might also have to do with keeping themselves safe from being the target of public shaming) as they begin thinking about an adult life away from home for the first time.

If these aren't up your alley, you can of course talk about something else (like the deadly sins of social media or when expectations were violated)... just make sure you bring your post back to topics we've discussed this week in some way. Add a photo and make sure your writing is broken up into readable (or snackable, as Freberg likes to say) chunks. 

Blog posts are due on Fridays by 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thinking more deeply about Social Media and Impression Management

You'll note that in class we've begun talking about the many selves we have to maintain in our daily lives, and social media can further exacerbate the need to keep up with multiple identities.

Impression management is literally about putting our best face out there for audiences to see as they encounter us in social media spaces. We have talked about truth, performance of self, and how it relates to impression management.

Some questions to ponder as you think about your blogs and your themes as they relate to this week's topic:
  • How many selves do you feel like you project on your social media profiles? 
  • What is/where is truth and why do we choose certain features to promote in online settings?  
  • What do you think some of the ethical considerations should be as we decide which face to present to people online? 
  • What do you think are some of the pitfalls/dark sides to impression management? 

Even if your class blog is geared to something very specific, impression management still matters. Why is understanding impression management in this digital age so important?

Courtesy of Mastering the Dynamics of Communication Technology Blog

Another option for this week's blog post is to reflect on what you've posted on your social media platforms recently. What did you post? Where did you post it? Who did you want to see it? What were you motivations behind posting? Did you get the response you were hoping to get?

Whatever you decide to blog about this week, include at least one photo in your post! Posts are due by Friday, February 12 at 5:00 p.m.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Your First Post - Spring 2021

Welcome to COMM 373! Your first post should be a basic introduction to who you are and what your blog will be about. It's your first post, so you can really carve out your place in this space. Remember, while you will have freedom to write about what you want from week to week this semester, you'll also want to make sure you relate weekly posts in the future to something we talk about in class. Alot of what we talk about is #relatable so... take that as you will! 

Photo Courtesy of Michael Lee Stallard: Helping Leaders Create Cultures that Connect

So this week: Introduce yourself. Who are you? That's a LOADED question. Unpack it (using as much self-disclosure as you deem fit for an online space, of course). Things you might want to include: Your first name, where you are in life right now, how COVID has impacted you (because what's more relatable than that?), what you want to do... things like that.

Now, as you went through the process of creating your blog, you [probably] made some specific decision in terms of the theme, background, images, font, etc. etc. Was there a reason for that? Offer some insight into your decisions. Do you have a theme you want to stick to throughout the semester?

Next - what are some of your interests? If you're struggling, this could help with some direction for your blog. Personalize this space. Make it your own. Give your reader (me, your classmates, anyone else who stumbles upon your blog) an idea of what you plan to do. If you want, feel free to add a photo but it's not necessary to -- at least not right now. 

Your blog post should be a few short paragraphs. Notice how in this post, you have small chunks of writing with space between paragraphs. It makes for a more pleasurable reading experience. Remember, you're writing for a specific audience, and I encourage you to share your blogs with others, too.

Don't forget, posts should be up by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 5. You do not have to send your post link to me - I have the address for your blog's homepage, so I should be able to find it (I hope!). Happy blogging!